Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book



The Top Ten Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book

If I have NOT read a review:

1. Believable jacket blurb or the story

2. Enticing cover that doesn’t mimic the cover of a current or recent bestseller.

3. Written by an author I like/love.

4. Historical fiction is from an era or about a person I enjoy/admire/want to know more about.

5. Just sounds fun/worth it/interesting.

6. I like a bookstagram of it–I MAY try it.


If I HAVE read a review:

7. I trust the reviewer/blogger.

8. I trust the source–Guardian, NPR or other publication.

9. If non-fiction, adds to what is known or breaks new ground.

10. A friend I trust says, “I know this isn’t your usual, but….” I MAY try it.



Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl--here’s a link to the rules. Why not join in the fun next week?

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