Paris in July 2024 Kick Off!



During this month, our goal is to embrace and honor our French encounters by immersing ourselves in various activities like reading, watching, listening, observing, cooking, and indulging in all things French!

With the Olympics coming up in Paris, I decided to join in this fun reading and cultural event hosted by blogger Words and Peace and her sister blog France Book Tours. In addition to the French themed books, food, etc., I will also have a post of new Olympics nonfiction books and another post of new Olympics fiction. 

What I Will Likely Read

As you know, I don’t always make a list and stick to it! I could end up with totally different books.

“French” Books I’ve Read and Reviewed 

My Top Picks For a Newbie

These books are so fun! Even just reading the first book, A Year in Provence, will give you a taste of life in the French countryside in the mid-to-late 1980s. A Year in Provence and Toujours Provence by Peter Mayle.

Nonfiction I’ve Read and Reviewed

In many of these posts the photos of book covers will be cut off on the right side. That happened when I changed blog themes. Sorry.

Most of these I read and reviewed at my old blog and some of those reviews have been lost. For those I have linked to Amazon. I do not make any money off your clicks–the links are purely for your convenience.

A Few Novels 

I’ve skipped World War II novels and other historical fiction–leave me a comment if you’d like recommendations in these genres.

So–are you in? Will you join in with #Parisinjuly2024? Leave me a comment or a link to your own post.

7 thoughts on “Paris in July 2024 Kick Off!

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  1. I’m joining in!

    I have just read ‘Provence, 1970’by Luke Barr. It’s about his great aunt, the American food writer MFK Fisher, and Julia & Paul Child, James Beard and Richard Olney, who, along with Sybill Bedford and Eda Lord, met up in the Provençal hills in the winter of 1970/71.

    I’m hoping to read a few more books during July – my next one will probably be either ‘city lit perfect gems of city writing: Paris’, edited by Heather Reyes, or ‘Madam, Will You Talk?’ by Mary Stewart (I’ve read that one before but not for a while.)

    I’ve also unearthed our DVD of Ratatouille 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great reading event. I would love to join as I love books set in France. I’m probably not going to have time though so will content myself with getting new recommendations from people’s posts.

    Liked by 1 person

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