Top Ten Tuesday: Not So Petty Reasons I’ve DNF’d a Book or Reduced its Rating


Deciding to DNF [did not finish] a book or to give it a lesser rating is often provoked by pet peeves–some within a specific genre, some in general.

The Biggies

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring 2024 TBR


I don’t always do very well at actually reading the books I list in these posts! We’ll see if I improve any with this one.

And, thankfully, I started working on this one a few week’s ago! My Mom has been back in the hospital and is now in nursing rehab at a local nursing home. I’ve been pretty distracted. Happily, too, I requested a whole slew of books on audio so that helped me finish this list quickly. I enjoy participating in TTT so having it done in a very fast way was a relief. This has been a set-back to my newly recovered ability to enjoy print/kindle books. Hopefully that will return when things settle down again.

Most Anticipated

Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring 2024 TBR”

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