Top Ten Tuesday: Not So Petty Reasons I’ve DNF’d a Book or Reduced its Rating


Deciding to DNF [did not finish] a book or to give it a lesser rating is often provoked by pet peeves–some within a specific genre, some in general.

The Biggies

  • Mangling of titles & forms of address in a book about such people (calling someone Lord John who isn’t the son of a Duke or a Marquess or calling the wife of Sir Timothy Someone “Lady Viola”–she would be “Lady Someone”)
  • Historical errors (like a salon clouded with hairspray in the WWII era–neither hairspray nor aerosol cans were invented yet!) [I wouldn’t dnf for one this small, but any additional I’d downgrade the rating. Fact-checking needs to make a comeback]
  • People having thoughts way out of synch with their times or too prescient of future events
  • ICK…unless I’m reading a book on someone today called a s_x worker and the book centers on that individual’s work–tone it down. Everyone enjoys doing the act–but lots of folks don’t enjoy reading about doing the act. Here’s why:
    • It’s gross
    • It sounds ridiculous
    • It’s gross
  • Harming children or animals

The Little Things

  • Miraculously finding someone in the midst of a revolution or similar
  • “Oh come on!” coincidences
  • Making everyone in the USA not in Seattle, LA, NY, Boston or maybe DC talk like they’re from the Deep South–y’all etc. It’s a big country. We talk funny in different ways. Ditto only having smart, successful people in these areas. Virtue signally about how these are the ONLY places a civilized being could live in the USA.
  • [Not knowing before hand that the book has] woman hiding in plain sight as a man. Yes, there “are” historical occurrences, and I can think of ONE believable such book, but think about it:
    • How did this person pee, hide mensuration, bathe in a river/lake (seems always to happen in these books)
    • How did the person keep a low enough voice?
  • Stupid character names like “Spit” or “Froggie” or something unless the book is set in Appalachia or the British aristocracy
  • Mothers-in-law and old women as the butt of every joke
  • Librarians always having a bun and glasses and tacky out-of-style clothing
  • Christians or Christianity being portrayed only as bad–bad people come in every group. EVERY group.
  • Books equating a certain election with the downfall of the humanity. We lived. Move on. Don’t let it happen again.
  • ICK scenes–other things:
    • Only in novel with a romance between two men did anyone ever stop to use a condom
    • Women who have unprotected s_  x never get pregnant and never get up to pee after s – x
    • No one ever needs lube [ICK!! but….]
    • No one ever washes before acts that really should involve a little freshening up unless it’s in the street and they are paying someone

Stuff I’ve Noticed That Doesn’t Affect My Rating or Reading

  • Even books set today, right now, this minute, people in books ALWAYS have a landline (you can’t get one where I live except with cable)
  • No one ever has to stop and find $ or move $ from savings to checking  or max out a credit card for an airline ticket that costs more than they earn in the next few months.
    • They always live somewhere with cabs to get them to the airport
    • They never have to go home and get their passport
    • They are never on stand-by
    • Airport security is never a big deal, if it is even mentioned
  • Women wear dresses a lot
  • Men are forever “tenderly tucking a lock of hair” behind a woman’s ear.
  • Really random law books in attorney offices in tv shows or films. Seriously random. And, lawyers have done research online for DECADES now.
  • Old ladies still being called “Mildred” or “Gertie” or “Ethel” instead of the names of the late 1920s to early 1940s. Old ladies being dressed like old ladies in a bygone era. Go to a nursing home–funeral home rain bonnets went out a long time ago. So did hard-soled oxfords. Good grief!

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21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Not So Petty Reasons I’ve DNF’d a Book or Reduced its Rating

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  1. There’s a funny graphic called “America According to Writers” or “America According to Hollywood”, and it’s basically just the east and west coasts and then Chicago in a vast sea of nothingness.  With you on pretty much all of these, especially the election hysteria. I was reading a history of video games and the guy kept going off on tangents about COVID and that particular election, and I capped his review at 3 stars – not that he wouldn’t have gotten more, anyway. A history of video games and he ignores most of PC gaming’s titans. -_-  My half-size list is here!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha ha, I enjoyed reading these and they are so YOU! I rarely DNF a book, but recently did one from NetGalley — honestly, it was just boring. Read like a little-altered wikipedia piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol–Amen! I’m against people with names out of their generation. Someone from the 1960s, say, named “Azure” or something. A lot of old names are back in style–esp I think in the UK where things like Wilfred, even Agatha are back. In the USA Evelyn, even FERN is back!


  3. Hahaha, the tucking hair behind the ears is so ridiculous! Not romantic, more — get out of my space and stop touching my hair! These are all awesome and I agree with the ick factors. Details on what happens between two people get gross really fast — no one not in the room needs to hear about all that. No one washing up — that jumps out at me a lot! Like, you were just running or climbing or cleaning out a basement, go take a shower first! Love your list — thanks for the laughs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Three round trip flights in three months. First encounter with TSA got a pat down below the waist. Second encounter got my carry-on inspected and an item tested for some sort of residue. Fifth encounter had my hands and clothing tested for residue.

    These things should make it into books!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this list, Lisa, especially all the “ick” ones. I have to day, I have a friend we call “Goat” and we are in southern Ontario, although he grew up on a farm and it’s a long story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I certainly enjoyed reading this and I agree with you. I get so annoyed when I find something that should have been fact-checked. I smiled through most of it.

    Liked by 1 person

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