Help With Dinner: Chicken Curry Indian Take Away Style by Cheryl of What’s For Tea

Friends trips this spring have made me nostalgic for my 1977 trip to Ireland and the UK with my Grandmother. But I was 15 and she was 72 and of a different era of travel. I got to try ONE McDonald’s in Dublin and that was it for any sort of fun fast-food or “take away” (such as there were back then). Never got to try a Wimpy Burger! And certainly no Indian stuff. And this was the woman who introduced me to tacos at a restaurant, if I remember correctly, in Frankfort, Illinois?

Along with not getting to see Blenheim Palace–birth place of Churchill and a few other places, I got lectured for not having a clue who Sir Walter Scott was and for not knowing any sonnets by Shakespeare! My grandmother had been a teacher and had gone to school when Middle School meant English Literature, Latin, and German. We still managed to have fun, but I’d loved to have done a few more teenage-appropriate things.

So, when I saw one of my favorite youtubers (she eats fries/chips with every meal, sometimes also with mashed potatoes! I LOVE her accent) had a recipe she says is just like her local West Coast of Scotland Indian take-away curry, I decided to indulge my inner teenage traveler and make it tonight! I’ll let you know what I think. It was FABULOUS!!! My son stopped by and he tried it and also loved it. For once I did not HAVE to add heat–I “could” add more heat, but it was just fine as it was. We had my favorite Joseph’s Flax and Oat Bran Wraps as an emergency substitute for Naan or Chapatis. Delicious!! With peas and basmati rice and I will make this one again and again and again. Next time our favorite cucumber raita to go with it.

That’s TWO superb Indian-inspired dishes I’ve found this year. The first was back in my Crock-tober posts, Spiced [Vegan] Crumbles With Peas. Both dishes are Crock-Pot meals, so even better! 

4 thoughts on “Help With Dinner: Chicken Curry Indian Take Away Style by Cheryl of What’s For Tea

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  1. Loved the story from your England trip, and thanks for the recipe — it’s going onto next week’s menu plan 🙂


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