Top Ten Tuesday: Unpopular Bookish Opinions


  1. Big books beat short series every time.
  2. Harry Potter is not the best thing ever.
  3. If fantasy had been as prevalent when I was a kid, I’d not be a reader today.
  4. Non-fiction can whip fiction.
  5. The movie can, very, very rarely, be better than the book.
  6. Reading Junie B Jones, Captain Underpants and the like won’t render a child illiterate unless that is all they read.
  7. The King James Bible, though exquisite poetry, is too damned difficult to understand.
  8. The Message Bible is not complex enough.
  9. Only Hemingway can write like Hemingway.
  10. Only Norman Mailer can use profanity with profundity.


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10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Unpopular Bookish Opinions

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  1. Hasn’t anyone told you that size doesn’t matter? 😛 I actually find that I sometimes find really long books (like 800+ pages) a bit daunting, though I generally end up loving them and they fly by.

    I definitely don’t think reading those books will make kids illiterate (isn’t that sort of an oxymoron?). We didn’t let our daughter read Junie B. Jones, though, because she really struggled with grammar and making up her own words and speaking, and we didn’t want to encourage that at that age. But now that she’s older, she LOVES Captain Underpants AND understands how to properly speak. She’s also read a few Junie B. Jones now, too. xD So I personally think there are sometimes times to hold off on those books, if there’s a good reason for it.

    Great post!

    Here’s my TTT post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes but what about short series with big books? (Like Follett’s Pillars of the Earth… which I love… I’m guessing you don’t?) great list anyway! Thanks for stopping by earlier!


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