Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Vacations


This week’s topic was: Characters I’d Like to go on Vacation With  (Pretend you’re going on vacation and can bring 10 of your closest friends with you. Pick your vacation spot and tell us who you’d like to bring! Bonus point if you tell us why. Or maybe you like the idea of traveling in small groups, so plan 10 trips or 5 trips!)

I couldn’t do it…

Here are some of the real and some fictional vacations I’d want to be on–and few I’d rather miss!

Disclosure: Some of these are pulled from posts I’ve already done on vacation books. I’m pretty busy this week!

The Ones I’d Skip



Going back in time WOULD be interesting, but on the whole, I think I’d pass on this one. A best friend loans his house in Cornwall and vials of a new substance that lets wild things happen! House on the Strand by Daphne Du Maurier.



Technically, this is a “destination wedding” and not a vacation. But, most people who get suckered into I mean invited to such events often try to add vacation time before or after the main event. The Guest List by Lucy Foley.

The Ones I’d Enjoy



When I do another vacation books post, this one will be in it. I’d LOVE to go on this trip! Sunrise With the Silver Surfers by Maddie Please.



I loved everything about this “holiday” the “seaside.” The annual workingman’s family vacation at the shore. The Fortnight in September by R.C. Sherriff



Spend a week in an old mansion turned B & B on the West Coast of Ireland? With a famous actor among the guests? Sure! A Week in Winter by Meave Binchy.


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I’d love to take my cousin’s 10 year old barrel racing champ granddaughter and go see these horses! She’s as horse-mad as I was and as her aunt was in her generation. Heck, we’ll take her aunt, too! A memoir this time, of a wonderful group vacation riding Icelandic horses! Wild Horses of the Summer Sun by Tory Bilski



Usually bus or van trips make me want to hide under the bed, but this one? I’d go!  Lil’s Bus Trip by Judy Leigh.


Same book, just USA/UK titles are different. I’d love to go on this boat with these women! Love it! Narrowboat Summer by Anne Youngson. 



Another memoir–this one of a time when Dads sent their wives and kids to the lake or the shore or the cabin in Maine or Wisconsin or the Indiana Dunes or whatever for the summer and joined them late Friday night for the weekend. Barefoot at the Lake by Bruce Fogle.



Why not stay at a small Italian Hotel with great food and a handsome guy near? Sign me up! The Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick.

Why not join the Top Tuesday fun next week?

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Top Ten Tuesday is hosted each week by

That Artsy Reader Girl


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