Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Quotes


I keep a Commonplace Book, that is a book of quotes I’ve come across in my reading,  but it is severely out-of-date. It isn’t easy to stop and write down a quote while driving and listening to an audiobook, for example. I try to keep it up as best I can though. Here are some random quotes from my Commonplace Book.

“Not really a presence….The lack of an absence….”

The Driver’s Seat by Muriel Spark

“The safest thing is to become an island, to make your house a citadel against all the garbage and ugliness in the world.”

Shotgun Lovesongs

by Nickloas Butler

“You’ve brought her the ultimate dreariness of good sense.”

The Choir: A Novel by Joanna Trollope

“…you bind yourself in your own ignorance….”

The Female Persuasion: A Novel by Meg Wolitzer

“…one couldn’t do one’s own things in another person’s way”…”

The Professor’s House by Willa Cather

“Your now is not your forever”

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

“How can you prepare for college if you can’t prepare for breakfast?”

Girlchild: A Novel by Tupelo Hassman

“Her desperation was so palpable it should have had its own dressing room on set.”

Girls in the Picture by Melanie Benjamin

She had never seen the purpose of socializing.”

The Beginner’s Goodbye by Anne Tyler

“…her body carried her worry like an extra limb….”

A Man is No Woman: A Novel by Etaf Rum


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12 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Quotes

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  1. I keep a commonplace book, too. I love to look over quotes I’ve read.

    This one seems especially relevant right now: “The safest thing is to become an island, to make your house a citadel against all the garbage and ugliness in the world.”


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