Review: Kiss Me in the Coral Lounge: Intimate Confessions From Happy Marriage by Helen Ellis


My Interest

I love Helen Ellis’ humor! I’ve told this story before, but Helen came to my attention on NPR when she wrote about thinking her husband wanted a divorce and all he really wanted was for her to keep the crap off the dining room table! Her essays on real life are just plain fun.

The Story

In this collection of humorous essays, Helen riffs on happy marriage–marriages like her own. A childless couple of big city loving New Yorkers, Helen, her husband and their two cats live in an apartment that has been in her husband’s family for years. He works outside the home; she works at home as a writer/NY housewife. The housewife of Twitter’s @WhatIDoAllDay fame. Their tv room is known as “The Coral Lounge.” Helen just has an amazing way of telling stories–some times about the most ordinary events.

My Thoughts

I had three favorites among the essays:

  1. An Email to Our Cat Sitter
  2. The one with Viagra (Sorry I can’t recall the title)
  3. Contract for a happy marriage

#1 made me have to change part of my clothing because I laughed in a way that does that to women of a certain age. #2 and #3 tested my bladder control almost, but not quite, to the max. These two have cats the way my family has cats. We revere them, worship them, give them nicknames–take care of them to the grave.

I do not recommend listening to the one with Viagra on your way to Sunday School and Church. Telling the tale of the (ahem) ups and downs of a marriage (giggle) takes some real talent–especially telling it humorously. Those little blue pills! Let me tell you, sitting in a room full of older women all whom have been/still are married and trying to not to break out laughing and play it for them–well, it was (I nearly said “hard”) difficult. Panty shields are mandatory for listening to or reading these three essays. Ditto for the little tidbit on a unique bridal shower game!

The contract was wonderful. A happy marriage should result from such an amazing document! Covering everything from cat pee in the box and cat pee outside the box, this couple leaves nothing to chance. Like the blue pills, telling this with grace and humor is a gift.

All of the essays were so fun–not a dud in the entire collection.

This will easily win funniest book of the year for me.

My Verdict


Kiss Me in the Coral Lounge by Helen Ellis

I listened to the audio book version.

My Reviews of Helen Ellis’ Previous Books

  1. Southern Lady Code: Essays
  2. American Housewife: Stories
  3. Bring Your Baggage and Don’t Pack Light: Essays


7 thoughts on “Review: Kiss Me in the Coral Lounge: Intimate Confessions From Happy Marriage by Helen Ellis

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  1. This sounds like so much fun to read. I checked my library and they do not have it. They do have 3 of her other books though. I remember how much I used to laugh while reading Erma Bombeck’s books.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 9/2/23: I have just finished reading this book. I loved it and plan to read more of her books. Thanks for your recommendation. It was laugh-out-loud funny. I love her sense of humor.

    Liked by 1 person

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