Novellas in November Review: Thanksgiving by Janet Evanovich


My Interest

I wanted a Thanksgiving book to listen to this week. I Googled and found this one–by Janet Evanovich, pre-Stephanie Plum. Color me shocked–I had NO IDEA this woman had written 70+ books? End of my excuses for not getting my TWO professionally proofread and submitted!! Add to this the fact that the audio version is preformed by C.J. Critt, the original voice of Stephanie Plum (and the only one to me) and I had to listen. It’s 256 pages or 5 hours if you listen, just over the suggested limit, but what the heck! It’s short and moves VERY fast. I’m calling it a novella.

Thanks to the Novellas in November is hosts, Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck


If you are Reading Across the USA(click to learn more), then this book is set in Williamsburg, Virginia.

The Story

Meghan Murphy is new to Williamsburg, Virginia and lives in the Colonial area. (It’s an amazing place to visit, by the way). Patrick Hunter has just begun his career as a pediatrician in the same part of town. When a desperate mother leaves her baby, Timmy, with them things go a bit hay-wire (hyphen because later in the story…..) In the run up to Thanksgiving and just after they “couple” (who were not a couple until Timmy’s arrival) navigate faux-parenthood and the perils of instant attraction. Continue reading “Novellas in November Review: Thanksgiving by Janet Evanovich”

It Happened One Christmas Eve by Jenn McKinlay


My Interest

I was in the mood for a “put your brains under the seat and don’t ask too many questions” sort of Christmas book. [That quote, by the way, originated long ago with a Bond movie–The Spy Who Loved Me, iirc].

The Story

Heiress and museum director, Claire MacIntosh (fyi, I’ve never met a woman named Claire–nor Tess…most popular names in novels) plays Runaway Bride by seizing Santa’s “sleigh” and making a run for it when her society husband-to-be plans a cheesy Pinterest/Instagram-worthy proposal. Trey may have money and be an up-and-coming partner in her father’s environmental law firm, but he’s not at all what Claire dreams of. Her society mother Hildy pushes Trey at her like an exceptional hors d’oeuvres. Claire sees him as wheat grass. Happily, Santa’s sleigh has been hijacked by Sam, a well known investigative journalist.  Yep, you guessed it…..[No spoilers here].

My Verdict

This little book was just what I needed. I laughed, I “awed-d” and I just plain had a fun time listening to it.


It Happened One Christmas Eve by Jenn McKinlay

I don’t have the page total but it was only 3 hours and 22 minutes on audio

November Reading Events Tally

November has too many great reading events! Thankfully, I started a new job this month, so my participation was curtailed by the exhaustion of all day in new surroundings, all day surrounded by people, and all day learning new things. So, my goals were a little too lofty this year!


Sorry, German Literature, but you were the one that got lost in the crowd this time. No worries–I’d already read one German book in translation this year.


My Nevile Shute reading put me in good stead this year. I finished my second book by the Australian author at the start of the month. I reviewed What Happened to the Corbetts by Nevil Shute (Also titled The Ordeal) and the newer Jane Harper novel Lost Man.



Nonfiction November is an event I look forward to each year. This year I did “ok,” not great, but “ok.” I finished two audio books–Christmas Far From Home about Christmas in the Korean War and The Women of Rothschild, a biography of the women of that famous family.



I had big hopes for little books this year! But Novellas in November just didn’t go very far this time. A few “double dips”–books that worked for this and some other reading challenge or event. I reviewed A Christmas Escape by Anne Perry which “doubled” with 20 Books of Christmas, and What Happened to the Corbetts which doubled with Aus Reading Month.



20 Books for Christmas is still on going, so I’m not done. I’m trying to just use Christmas themed books–fiction or nonfiction. So, I reviewed Christmas Far From Home (nonfiction), The Christmas Escape,   The Christmas Bookshop, Mistletoe and Magic for the Cornish Midwife, and another book I’m reviewing on Monday.

I also read two other books, too long for NovNov and not Christmas Themed Meredith, Alone and The Blue Castle.

Have you done a November reading round-up type post? Have you read any of these books? Read anything else you think I’d want to know about? Leave me a comment or a link to your post!

#NovNov22 Review: A Christmas Escape by Anne Perry


My Interest

I’ve read the first 16 of Anne Perry’s William Monk books and one of her World War I series. I love Monk and Hester and their friends. Perry’s Christmas books usually center on a lesser character from one of her series. I like that.

The Story

Charles Latterly, brother of Hester, is recently widowed. He goes off to Italy to the island of Stromboli for a Christmas-time holiday. A volcano on the island is part of the interest. He meets up with friends and a friend’s young “ward”–a feisty young woman with a real “spark” in her eye. Along the way, naturally, there is a murder. Plus, how about a fictional character that’s a little too lifelike? How does it all come together? What happens to the friends? No spoilers on this blog!

My Thoughts

Anne Perry can get too sexually gruesome for me, but that was not the case this time (ok that is sort of a spoiler). I loved the setting of the story. I didn’t really love the “me-talka-not-so-good-a-Englisha” accent given to the Italian guy. Oh well, that’s me. Another good Christmas time story from Perry. I took off for the silly accent.

Now I want to make and eat stromboli!! My recipe is below!

My Verdict



1 batch of pizza dough (can use frozen)

6 slices of ham of your choice from the deli

6 or more slices of salami (depends on the size)

6 or sandwich size slices of pepperoni–or more of pizza sized

Mezztta Chicago Style Sandwich Giardinera Mix (hot or mild–I use what I can find)

Parmesan cheese (in the can is fine)

6-8 Slices Provolone (or Mozzarella) cheese

Pat or roll out the pizza dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle with a little Parmesan and some Italian Seasoning (or oregano or basil or whatever). Sprinkle the Parm heavy where the meat will go (helps with grease). Spread the meat across the dough. Top with the next type etc. Sprinkle a little more Parm on top of the meat. Now top with the Giardinera Relish (use a slotted spoon and drain it pretty well). Top with the sliced cheese. Fold and seal the dough around everything making a sort of loaf. If desired, brush with a little olive oil or Italian dressing and some coarse salt, if desired. Move to cornmeal scattered pizza pan or baking sheet. Bake till done in a hot over–425, about 15 to 25 minutes. If your family likes sauce, serve it with pizza or pasta sauce. We eat this plain. The Stromboli at Nick’s Bar at Indiana University is covered in sauce. I prefer this!


Aus Reads Month & NovNov Review: What Happened to the Corbett’s (aka The Ordeal) by Nevil Shute


My Interest

I have enjoyed each Nevil Shute book I’ve tried. So, why not another? Plus, he’s an Aussie author and this one was really short (my kindle version was 221 pages–barley over the 200 page limit suggested for Novellas in November, so I am counting it). This book was written in 1938 and published in 1939. It is fiction, but foretells what would happen in the Blitz.

The Story

“‘Home’s where your people are,’ he muttered to himself. “That’s about it.”

Peter and Joan Corbett are in their early 30s, with three young children. Peter is a lawyer in a partnership with one other lawyer. Both he and Joan were privately educated–he at Repton, she at an unnamed boarding school. The live in a newish home, next door to a contractor. They have a live-in nurse for their children and two maids who live out. Like the parents of young children everywhere, they are a bit distracted and not paying as much heed to the news as they should. Peter isn’t even sure which nation they are now at war with–so like today if happened, I’m sure. When war starts with a bombing raid, the Cobetts must deal with their lack of preparation–and the lack of preparation made by others around them.

With the calls from every corner for men to enlist, Peter decides he must see his family to safety first. They endure a few nights in the slit trench he painfully digs, covered by their car. As they sit in the rain on chairs in the mud, Peter hatches a plan to take his family to their yacht moored not too far from their Southampton home [a lot of boats are called “yachts” in the UK–not just the type Aristotle Onassis had] They will stay on it until things are calmer. Now, this is a fairly ordinary boat with one cabin–the baby’s “bed” hangs, if you can imagine, over the toilet! Imagine living one room, on water, during a war with bombs! In the end the family help in a very small scale Dunkirk-like operation.

My Thoughts

Shute uses contrived friendships (oh so convenient to have a builder/contractor next door, a doctor friend in the neighborhood, a friend in the RAF, etc.) to educate Peter and Joan, and hence the readers, on life in wartime. On taking seriously the government’s warnings and preparedness tips. It was a bit heavy handed for today, but it is largely a propaganda piece, albeit one I couldn’t put down.

Tiny Spoiler

“…you leave a mark behind you. A sort of impression. I’d like to think so, because I think we must have left a good one. We’re not famous people, and we’ve not done much. Nobody knows anything about us. But we’ve been so happy. We’ve lived quietly and decently, and done our job. We’ve had kids, too–and good ones.”

At the end, Peter and Joan both reflect and plan for the future. “This is the end of our young married life, Peter. We’ll be middle aged [when the war ends].” But it isn’t all doom and gloom ahead. Joan says “I do want a decent radio. The children are getting old enough to listen to good music now–just a little bit, now and again. I’d like to have a piano.”  Peter thinks that a piano could be out of reach. Joan returns to the radio: “We could have the radio, couldn’t we? Even if we had to put ion the Never-Never?” [payment plan]. I loved this! A man with his “yacht” thinking a piano out of reach for them! I bet after the war, Joan got the radio and Peter got a new boat.

One interesting thing:

Baby Joan (yes, the same name as her mother) was always referred to as “baby”–not “Baby” as in a cute nickname, but “baby” a noun and nearly always given the pronoun “it” which today would shock people. I know in old movies and books we often her Nanny saying that, but today it sounds really awful. Joan does sometimes say “the baby” as in “It’ll be good when things get settled down and we can get some maids again….I’m sick of washing nappies for the baby.” Nonetheless, the Corbett’s were good, loving, caring parents. Peter even cooks! They do go a bit far “afield” getting milk for “baby” [no spoilers]. And while he hides it very well, “[Peter] very much disliked looking after the children” which I thought was hilariously honest. They also just offer random kitchen workers a few coins to watch their children for an hour knowing nothing about the people! Imagine today?

Once again, Shute leaves me desperate for a sequel. I want to know someone took that boat to Dunkirk? Did Peter live through the war? Does their marriage survive? After the war, does Joan get that “one more boy” she mused she’d like to have had to complete their little family? Is there anything left of their nice house in Southampton? Or of Peter’s law office?

This was my second book by Shute in which the main male character’s name was Peter. I wonder if there is a reason for the repetition?

My Verdict


What Happened to the Corbetts by Nevil Shute (aka The Ordeal ) is $0.99

You can also read this book free on Project Gutenberg’s Canadian site where it is titled The Ordeal

My Reviews of Other Books by Nevil Shute

  1. Pastoral
  2. The Far Country

I’ve also read A Town Like Alice, which is one of my favorite books of all time, but I read it before blogging was invented. It is currently $1.99 for Kindle and worth much, much more!

Novellas in November 2022

Last week I posted my plans for Nonfiction November (as much as I ever plan), so today I’m brainstorming for Novellas in November. I even kept a list this year! Better yet, I FOUND this list! Victory! Remember, November has the mother lode of reading events: Novellas in November, Nonfiction November, German Literature Month, and Aussie Reading Month as well as many others.

Each Week’s Theme from hostesses, Cathy at 746 Books and Bookish Beck:

They’ll both put up an opening post on 1 November where you can leave your links throughout the month, to be rounded up on the 30th, and we’ll take turns introducing a theme each Tuesday.

1 – 7 November: Short Classics (Rebecca)

8 – 14 November: Novellas in Translation (Cathy)

15 – 21 November: Short Non-Fiction (Rebecca)

22 – 28 November: Contemporary Novellas (Cathy)

29/30 November: My Month in Novellas/ New to my TBR

(As a reminder, we suggest 150–200 pages as the upper limit for a novella, and post-1980 as a definition of “contemporary.”) This year’s buddy read will be: Foster by Clare Keegan. It will be released in the USA on November 1–the link has pre-order details.

What I May Read


My Hygge Home , a short nonfiction book, isn’t released until November 15th, so that may be a problem if I am still unemployed. Plus, I loved listening to his voice! I hope the audio is announced soon. The President’s Hat I have already requested from the library. The Diary (I love diaries!) is super cheap on kindle–The Diary of a 100 Year Old Amused Senior. If I decide it is a “must” I’ll splurge. I’m hoping either the German Lit or Aussie Reads selection will be a novella–no telling though since I’m still researching those.

Novellas Read So Far in 2022

I’ve read/listened to many novellas this year. My post-Covid, unemployed (twice in one year) brain seems to do best with this length right now. A few are translations, so if you are doing Novellas in November and want suggestions for that week, see The Ardent Swarm, Loop, Portrait of an Unknown Lady, The Cat Who Saved Books, and Tales from the Cafe. [Volume I, Before the Coffee Gets Cold review is here].

A Short nonfiction book or nonfiction “novella” is Did Ye Hear Mammy Died?

The others below are fiction. The first four are new: Swimmers, Small Things Like These, Love & Saffron, and Border Less. The Mysterious Affair at Styles, and The Finishing School are much older.

Two that are slightly longer, but still under 250 pages (the limit is really 200). These are two of my favorite books read this year, so I’m including them for those who don’t mind a little bit longer book.

Are you participating in Novellas in November this year? Have you recently read and reviewed a good novella? Leave me a comment or a link to your post.

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