Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Books I Remember Nothing About (but Have Read)



Today’s Top  Ten Tuesday is a Freebie Week! I’ve kept a reading log, on and off, for most of my adult life. I have several of these still, so I know I did actually read these titles! I just can’t tell you anything about them.



Some of these were read in desperation in the Peace Corps (1989–1991)–back before there was t.v. in the region and when a trip to the library took a bus or mini bus and miles of walking. Others were read before I was ready for them. Some were just read and, well, not memorable.



Do you enjoy this sort of book list? Join the fun of Top Ten Tuesday each week at the Broke and the Bookish.

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Books I Remember Nothing About (but Have Read)

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  1. I’ve not read any of these either — well, that I recall. I love that you’ve always kept book logs. I only started a few years ago with Goodreads. I *really* wish I’d kept a lifelong list. It would be fascinating! One downside to reading a lot (and I’m reading a lot more now than I did earlier in life) is that the sheer volume tends to mean that I don’t remember what I read as well. I guess my brain only has so much room!

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  2. Haha! I’m sure I could come up with a top ten of my own. I’ve been banned from bringing more books into the house (there’s always the Kindle), so I have no shelf to refer to. Some of the books on your list look pretty good to me!

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  3. As I used to read over 200 books a year at one stage (living alone, long-distance relationship, very long commute) and still read over 100, there must be lots of books I’ve read but forgotten. I’m often surprised by how books change when I re-read them.

    Of yours, I’ve read the Macomber but I have read loads of hers and so can’t remember what happens in each one!

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