Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Read



Top Ten Tuesday has a new home! Thank you to blogger, That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting this great, long running, meme!

This list will involve use of my personal Way-Back machine for the first entry!




I was a sophmore or junior in high school when this gem came out! It was a little shocking back in the day. It mentioned things that weren’t mentioned–even things as tame today as tampons. Still, it was not great literature! Wifey by Judy Blume.







One of my nearly life-long best friends kept telling me I’d LOVE this series. Sometimes you really don’t know your nearly life-long best friends!! After nearly careening into a semi after one passage of forced sex was my morning commute accompanyment, I had a really difficult time finishing this one, but I did. No, I  do not have plans to read any of the other books in the series! Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.




UGH! I get it. This book is very creative. But ugh all the same. I listened to it on audio. I’d never have finished it in print. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Sanders. You can read my full review here if interested.

4, 5 and 6

All sci-fi. Enough said. You can read more about them here.







This book was truly painful. Finishing it was total desparation–it was listen to it or listen to NPR pledge drive week. Ugh Ugh Ugh. Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro









Possibly the worst novel ever commercially published, this rag has every cliche and then some. Ugh Ugh Ugh Ug. I can’t even glorify it with a link to Amazon–that’s how awful it is!






Finally, two books that were so incredibly good that I can’t believe I was so afriad to read them.





This book would never have stayed in my hands in elementary or middle school. No way. Sci-fi? Nope. As an adult, though, I devoured it! It deserves all the praise has ever earned. A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle. You can read my full review here.








This one came out when I was a little too old. I was an adult with a successful career as a law librarian. I worked out daily and took work home. I didn’t read much at that time due to my job requireing at least 8 hours per day of reading. When I did read it–for Banned Books Week, I was over 50, but it was cathartic. Read why here.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.



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22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Read

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  1. I really wanted to read ‘a wrinkle in time’ but somehow keeps putting it off. I think I should definitely read it this time.

    I have read such good reviews for ‘buried giant’ but I’m thinking I’m not going to read it.

    have a lovely day.


  2. I tried reading Foundation once and that was a big nope. Couldn’t get into it, and I love sci-fi. And the Mushroom Planet just looks… interesting! 🙂


    1. Unfortunately I was forced to read Foundation for an International Relations course. Supposedly it accurately portrays the changing of systems from uni-polar to bi-polar to multi-polar configurations. I wouldn’t know. I couldn’t stay awake! That was ba-gillion years ago!


  3. Really interesting topic. I don’t know that I’ve read any of these. Interesting that “Giant” was so bad — I’ve not heard of it, but I loved “Remains of the Day” by the same author. Glad to know I can skip the GWTW “sequel.” And agree 100% on the sci-fi!

    Liked by 1 person

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