Dean Street Press December


Thanks to blogger Liz Dexter at Adventures in Reading for hosting this fun new event.

Here’s what she says about how it all works:

How will it work?

So, here’s how it will work. On 1 December I [Liz] will publish a start-off post where I [Liz] invite other readers to share links to the books they read during the month. Read your book(s) and comment on the post with a link to your blog post, Goodreads review or other place where you’ve written about your read. I [Liz] will also read and review books during the month and add my own links; please also feel free to chat about those books and visit other people’s links during the month and afterwards.

What I May Read

These are ALL on my Kindle begging to be read! If I had to make a guess, I ‘d say Mrs Tim Carries On will get my attention. Any that are on Audible will likely get moved to the top of the list–I don’t have my 1.25 hour (each way) commute but I do get to listen 1/2 hour each way and an hour at lunch most days. I’d go for anything on audio–two Audible credits burning a hole in my pocket! The stress of any new job means you need to unwind. Dean Street Press’s Furrowed Middlebrow books are perfect for unwinding.

Dean Street Press Books I Enjoyed Within the Last Year

My Reviews:

  1. Spring Magic
  2. A Winter Away
  3. Chelsea Concerto (nonfiction)

DSP Reviews from other years:

  1. Miss Plum and Miss Penny
  2. Dear Hugo
  3. Mrs. Lorimer’s Quiet Summer
  4. Winter and Rough Weather
  5. A House in the Country

Are you participating in #DeanStreetDecember? Do you have a favorite Dean Street Press book or author? Leave me a comment or a link to your own post

Read all about the fun of Dean Street December here at Liz’s blog.

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